Sunday, August 8, 2010

Getting Married!

well I am back from a blogging hiatus! I have missed you all.. things have just been so hectic!
Firstly I am now (officially) enagaged to be married to my Habi, S. (I should probably explain "Hobi" means "my love" in Arabic.)
I'm sure this is no surprise to most of you :)
The wedding will be on November 27th - soon! This is for a number of reasons - firstly after all we've been through we just want to be married. In fact we were going to elope for a while but then decided to do it "properly." I am finishing my post-grad studies this semster and God willing will be starting a new job next semester. It may well mean I am posted to a rural area and I won't have leave for some time. That plus crazy hours means I would have little time to plan a wedding and may be hours and hours (or even interstate) from my hometown and wedding place and even then I would only have a spare weekend to get married, have my wedding night and then drive/fly back! No thanks!
So - given that we don't want to wait over a year to get married we decided to get stuck into it and plan a small nice little wedding for the end of the year :)

So far I have the dress, veil, shoes, rings venue and church stuff sorted amongst other things.. but I still have a lot to go!

The next four months are going to be insane.. as well as full-time study and my casual job waitressing, I have to plan a wedding, apply for jobs, fit in FOUR WEEKS full-time work experience and I am on the production team for a local newspaper.
So please keep me in your prayers because it will be A LOT of work... I am praying I can keep on top of it all!
Consequently blogging will be scant - so if I'm not 'around' that's why! :)

Hope you are all well, God bless!