It’s funny how urban myths and legends are sometimes so ingrained, that despite travelling and gainng an education, we still bring with us, and perpetuate, some of the most ludicrous and seemingly obvious ideas!
I find such cultural/national myths often they centre on rulers of countries – e.g So-and-so was well over 100 when he died.. or he was the richest man who ever lived, or something more mythical and far-fetched. There is always a drive to exegerate, embellish and glorify!
These cultural beliefs are staunchly defended as something they “know” to be truth they have always 'heard' it or been told by someone who has definitive proof, whose name, they have unfortunately forgotten.
A funny example of this the common misunderstanding about freckles. Many of my khaleeji friends have asked me about my freckles (bear in mind these are well-traveled people who are studying at Australian universities, some of whom also speak English at home with their families and are very 'western')..
Conversation is often as follows:
“Why do only some western people have freckles, when you get them from eating pork? (and all westerners eat pork)”
"No, you don’t get freckles from eating pork" (heck you only need to look at the Chinese to prove this!)
“Are you sure, because I heard it’s eating pork that gives you freckles.”
(Anything you “hear” back home is automatically honest-to-God truth.)
“Why don’t you remove them?”
(Sure I’ll just ring up Michael Jackson’s plastic surgery)
“You mean you weren’t born with them?!” (Surprised expression)
"Yup. We get them from exposure to the sun – it’s pigmentation."
“Oh. Then why do you go in the sun? If you stop going in the sun, you won’t get them”
At this point I explain that if you are genetically the sort of person to get freckles (e.g white skin, red hair etc), then short of living in a windowless room all your life, or wearing niqab and abaya 24/7 then you will get freckles.
The first few times I had this conversation, and the assumption that I should "get rid of them" sure didn't boost the old ego! Especially as I teenager I hated the fact I couldn't tan, and tried all sota of tanning products from lotion to fake tan.. yes I was occaisonally mildly orange!!
At the end if all else fails I shrug, and say "Well, this is how God made me".. and thankfully middle eastern culture doesn't leave much room for retorts to that one!!
The other funny thing about skin is the gulf pre-occupation with blemishes on women.
If my friends injure themselves (mildly) they will go to doctors to have any mark/scar removed asap! Cooking with friends, if any of the girls have a drop of oil land on them, they will anxiously examine themselves to ensure it won’t leave a mark.. in contrast many of my male friends will proudly exhibit their battle scars from various soccer games, car accidents etc.
I have very few scars, and I remember once having a red mark fading from a cut on my hand.. a friend of mine saw it and said gravely, “Why don’t you have that mark removed?”
My gulf pals will often look at a scar/mark with the same consternation that you would view a potentially malignant skin cancer. “You should really get that treated!”
The logic behind this? The idea that these are “blemishes” on the otherwise flawless woman’s skin- detracting from her beauty (and therefore her appeal to a future or current husband.)
The idea of a prize cow up for inspection comes to mind :S But... “To each their own!”
I just read your comment over on Ellen's blog and it was very lovely! Just wanted to come over here and "meet" the woman who wrote that.
It's cute how people thought you got freckles from eating pork! :-) But not so cute how they obsess over "blemishes" and count freckles among those?! Argh! I think freckles are charming. I'd hate to think a man would want or not want me due to a scar or mark on my skin. :-/
Love the ""Well, this is how God made me" retort! :)
Cute post!
Being a male, freckles are sexy on women.
Enjoy them as many men already do.
You're gorgeous, you be-freckled angel, you!
Thanks for sharing!
I am a male with freckles that loves my battle scares and I have to say nothing catches my eye more then a girl with freckles.
I grew up with tomboy older sisters and only when I got to collage did I discover how some girls can go over the top. When I share my scar stories with a girl I like when they share back.
Fittingly my girlfriend has a story about a scar on her forehead. She crashed head first into a snowmobile sledding as a child. I love her, and her scar is part of her, I could not imagine her getting it removed.
@ Anon - Thanks to both of you :)
@ Lazy Man - That's very sweet! Your gf must feel all the more loved and secure because of your attitude. My husband had a big scar on his leg from a surgery, and it is part of him. I would never look at it as somethings that 'marrs' him or detracts.
yeah you prob have as many freckles as i have pimples/acne n acne scars/and also large pores. it really sucks and since i have swimming everyday at first i felt naked without my layers and layers of coverup on cause the water would remove it. and you know what having people see me without no makeup on was hard and scary, but thanks to that im starting to "like" my skin even though it may not be considered beautiful its my skin and as long as im happy being in it, thats what truely matters.
Anon - It's a vicious cycle isn't it- on the one hand covering up bad skin with make-up only makes skin worse and doesn't help self esteem - but on the other hand NOT wearing anything can leave you feeling so exposed.. and ugly! So often I find myself thinking "natural beauty is the best... for everyone else!" Compared to many my skin isn't even that bad, but I'm prone to allergies, eczema and dermatitis and when it flares up I just want to crawl under a rock!
Lately I've been making an effort to wear foundation less and today I went shopping at the mall without a speck of make-up! And I felt fine, even pretty :)
and it sounds corny, but confidence is the most beautiful thing of all!
As a teenage girl with freckles all over my body. It helps reading things like this, realising that they maybe aren’t as a big a deal as i may make them out to be. Sometimes it can be hard however, as everything is focussed around the perfect tan, and knowing i could never achieve this.
But thank you so much.!
Hopefully one day, freckles will be the desired skin type. :D
Love the (school)girls with freckles, braces and pigtails!!!
Being a freckled red-head myself, I tend to just follow the mean-and-angry stereotype and destroy people for bugging me about them.
Personally, I find freckles very attractive, on myself and on other people. I rather envy the person in the pic here, because her freckle density is INCREDIBLE, and I wish mine were that thick. :)
I personally think freckles are attrative and add overall to the person, either male or female. One population that does tend to have freckles pretty often is the mixed race population, which makes for a good look as well.
I love this post! I even love all of the freckle questions you got! It is good to see that you have embraced what God has given you (even if eating pork really did do that ;) I am a master esthetician & I would love to have this picture on my blog. Would it be possible to get this from you??
@anon - I spent years burning, applying creams and orange-ish lotions vainly trying to get a tan before I learned to embrace how God made me. The retro alabaster look is making a comeback however, so it goes to show you never know!
@ dinaric - not sure how to respond to that one..
@paepae this girl is very striking, it's interesting how the heavily freckled look is becoming popular for models.
@Matt - yes that's true. i think my kids will probably have freckles as my husband is dark skinned and even he has a few on his arms and legs.
@Danielle Warren Thanks! Isn't it funny the things you learn in cultural exchanges? the picture is from the internet, I just googled "freckles". I think it's part of the Dove beauty campaign if that helps! :)
allways got teased (did not help i wore glasses in the 80s)my mother said their angle kisses problem is didn't feel very pretty about even to this day your story on trying tan stuff understand that i fell asleep wearing a bikini i turned beat red and sick for a week!!!
This one is wont to search for redheads in a crowd just to see there cute freckles
I always dreamed of marring a freckled girl. You guys are the most beautiful kind of woman!
Girls with freckles are by far and away the sexiest!!
I've lived with freckles all my life,
now my gorgeous son has them...
Now I know how handsome I was at his age !!
I was never bullied or hassled about my freckles if I was I ignored them because my Mum loved them ... still does :) xx
I love freckles. I consider them "God Art." We usually associate the painted-on kind of freckles with red hair, but that's not always the case. One of the prettiest women I've ever seen was a deep, dark, brunette, with very dark painted-on freckles. I was living in the Dominican Republic at the time, where genes have been mixed by pirates (and others) for hundreds of years. I used to walk by her house just to catch a glimpse of her. Freckles rule! Also, I've heard that if you take a sharpie, and connect them just right, you'll get a giraffe. Or was it a rabbit...?
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