Monday, June 7, 2010

This week = THE MOST AMAZING WEEK IN MY LIFE. GOD has blown my little white socks off.

I am still going to post the rest of my series on head coverings... everything is somewhat interrupted right now because this week has been the craziest ever!! EVER IN MY LIFE!! (And i've had some crazy weeks!)

On a quick side note i've had to "suspend' my headcovering series because my laptop charger had a meltdown (literally) so I can't access my pics/blog posts I had already started. Right before exams too (and in the middle of a research paper but Thank God I had that on USB).

Ok I'm meant to be getting some writing done on my paper as I speak.. but i'm having a little 'break.' It's 8.30 in the morning.. I deserve one :)

I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly wish I could give you all the details, and as soon as I have a spare hour or so I will (coz I wanna do this justice)

Abridged version:
In the space of one week, from last Sunday to Sunday just two days ago, I have seen God shift and move people's life like never before.
The man I love, S., has left Islam.
Last week he was a Muslim. Now he is not. ... He is now searching for the right path, but he has never stopped believing that there is God.
Without even explaining the amazing events connected to this decision, this is compounded by the fact that in the same week he found out that not 1, not 2, but THREE of his Muslim friends are in the same boat!
I'm going to leave it there, because I don't want to spoil the story!
Last but far from least, it begs a mention that my darling S. is from the Gulf... as are two of the other friends mentioned above. He is feeling very calm now but he knows how dangerous this is. One of his saudi friends (T.) is terrified. Although T. comes from a relatively liberal saudi family he tried before to confide in his parents about his religious convictions and they reacted with extreme anger and hostility and made it clear he was never to raise questions like that again. He is terrified the close knit saudi-community here will find out.

S. went through several days of pain and struggle and intense conflict, but has emerged determined to follow God and find the truth at all costs. The only regret he has is that, one day, he will have to tell his parents, whom he is very close to, and he knows it will devastate them.

H. another saudi who became Christian just two weeks ago (I blogged about him here) is proof of this. Within less than a couple of day of converting the Saudi govnt sent him an airplane ticket and demanded he return hom, at the same type cancelling his scholarship and visa. Had he gone he would have been arrested straight away. Instead he went that day to apply for asylum so the Australian government won't send him back.

Despite this I am overjoyed. I am so proud of these boys. (They are aged 20 to mid-20s)
And not because they left Islam. Not because they may or may not become Christians. I am proud of them for putting truth and God above EVERYTHING else in their lives. For deciding to search for more, rather than sticking to the status quo or accepting something they don't believe in.
It is heartwrenching and beautiful to see these boys, and mostly my love, spending hours earnestly discusssing God, reading books of all kinds, watching videos and going into the depths of theology, leaving no stone unturned - and all in the faith that God will lead them, that they will find the Truth.
It inspires me. It fills me with wonder. It makes me remember how awesome God is, and how infinately thankful I am that He gives us this innate ability to know, percieve and love Him.
And I remember His promise to mankind

"Then you shall know the Truth. And the Truth shall set you free."


LK said...

Aw what a lovely story! I hope these boys find peace in their lives. Its always hard when you decide to go against the path of your family.

May I recommend "When Bad Things Happen To Good People" Its an exploration of why things happen in our lives by a Rabbi. Its fascinating. May help them, it certainly helped me.

misschatterbox said...

It's funny I have an essay along similiar lines, entitled "Why Did God Allow 9/11" :)

Right now they are just full of questions, from very specific theological questions about Islam and Christianity to more general questions.

Has the Bible been changed? If Jesus is the Word of God, does that make Him God? Do all paths lead to God? Does Old Testament law apply to everyone? How does God forgive sin and be a righteous judge at the same time? Why do people believe different things and has religion been corrupted? Where does slavation through grace leave us in terms of righteous living?

These are just some of the questions going through their minds, plus heaps of reading of the Bible and Qu'ran, both in Arabic and then English. It's full-on!
S. is slowly "getting answers" - I told him not to rush, to take it steady, Like a puzzle slowly pieces will fall into place: he can't expect the puzzle to assemble itself into a complete picture instantly!

Sarah said...

Wow! That is big news!

"I am proud of them for putting truth and God above EVERYTHING else in their lives."

Amen to that. It takes quite some strength to have this level of independent thought given their backgrounds. Good on them and I hope they stay safe.

LK said...

Take it from me you can't rush. They'll find their way on their own :) I'll pray for them

misschatterbox said...

Sarah: It certainly does! Thanks :)

InkBlots: Yup, been there too. Slowly but surely!I'm sure they will appreciate your prayers, God bless you!

Susanne said...

How interesting! I enjoyed reading this and hope you can share more at some point. I hate the Saudi gov't canceled that one guy's scholarship over something as personal as religion! :(

Anonymous said...

Wow. Very happy for you all. Is there an administrator's e-mail address where I could write to you? I have something kind of private that I'd like to talk about.

Anonymous said...

I think your mailbox may be full. I'm getting a failure message that says your mailbox is unavailable.

Anonymous said...

Wow, That really has been some week for you and your friends... Evidently God has been working mightily - and mighty visibly need I add - this sort of thing just doesn't happen by chance, if you know what I mean. May God bless you all.