Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Back Again!!

It's official. I am the WORST blogger ever.
Here I am almost A YEAR since my last post.. struggling to remember my password so I can post something!
I could use an excuse... e.g 1. Being a journalist, I am always writing, and blogging on top of everything else is too much.. or 2. It has been a crazy year and it wasn't a priority.. probably a bit of both plus the fact that blogging seems to be very time consuming because I just can't shut up once I start and it takes up half a day just writing one post!

Since I have so much to tell I don’t really know where to start.. so maybe rather than post some mega-long blog and try that doesn’t do justice to anything I’m actually trying to say, i’ll give you a brief run down on the “big stuff” in my life so far, and what I’m going to blog on in future.. sound ok? J
Well I guess the major stuff is that my Dad passed away on August 29, 2009 – although he had bad health it was unexpected, in that he suddenly caught a lung infection, and within two weeks at hospital he had died. He was 69 years old.. I’ll talk about this a little later on, I don’t really have the energy now – i’ve actually got a lot of stuff written down already. It was sad, especially coz we’re still young (I’m 21 and my brothers were 19 and 15) and so he’ll never see us marry, have kids etc.. it was a huge shock but at the same time the Lord really blessed and comforted our family and we coped amazingly well. Mama, my brothers and I are also a lot closer – we really came together as a family, and my brothers have matured a lot. Anyway enough said on that for the moment!
I fell in love!! Can’t talk about it much atm.. suffice to say there is a man (ironically someone I’ve been friends with for two years!) who I had become closer and closer friends with (we’ll call him “S”).. Anyway neither S or I really believe in the whole “dating” concept – going out, living together for years and then either breaking up or getting engaged. He knew I had already ‘given up’ dating and wasn’t looking for a relationship unless it was based on the understanding we would marry. He is of the same mind. So far – boy knows girl, boy loves girl, girl realises she loves boy back – both boy and girl want to marry: sounds perfect right? WRONG! Because boy is Muslim... He is from Emirates (UAE).
This is the tricky part- For us ‘religion’ isn’t a problem, nor is culture. S is still studying here, and I planned to live and work in the Middle East in the future anyway – I know about Islam – from hadith, sunna, beliefs, practices you name it – and culturally I’m fine with Arab people. I speak some Arabic and have always planned to learn it properly. As a Christian he is “allowed” to marry me- he family have given permission and he even has Christian extended family. He would be happy for me to attend church, practice my religion and teach our children about Christianity. However both of us are aware that having different faiths and beliefs, and raising children who will ultimately “choose” one religion, and in doing so, hurt the other parent, would be difficult.Moreover, as a Christian the Bible is clear about being “unequally yoked.”
At first I said there was no way we could be together, then I went to the other extreme and said “I don’t care we’ll make it work.” .. Then I realised it is not my decision to make.. it is God Almighty’s.
I am just trusting in Him to reveal what is right (and wrong) to my heart.
If it is part of His plan for us to marry, and He sanctions this, then I know we will be fine together – if not (and this is hard) we will have to walk away from each other.
The story of Abraham putting God, even before his son, is really meaningful to me right now! But both of us know that God comes first.
Until then we are just .. waiting. .. More on this later

So – I have come back from this long hiatus to talk about death, love and God – and all things serious! However I always want to bring in some new light-hearted blogging!! I have been reading some great blogs, mostly expat blogs, from the Middle East which are just great! Here are a few: Angry in Oman, Susie’s Adventure, Eyes Wide Oman, Delirious in the Desert, to name a few! tThere are also great blogs from locals, that I will link later on! So I’ve been inspired to hunt through some old emails of travel stories from here and there.. and will post them, mixed in with some poems and snippets from life here.. It will be a real rag-bag mix this blog!

Hope you are all well and i know this is really too late but... HAPPY NEW YEARS!
(better late than never right?!)


M. Akamau said...

Oh my. So much going on with you, dear heart! First off, I'm sorry, so sorry about your dad. I lost my dad about a year before you lost yours. Like your dad, my dad had health challenges, but he got an infection, never got better, then he died. It was sooo sad, and hard for a while. My prayers are with your family.

Take it from me, sixteen years in on the marriage front, it's hard enough for two Christian people to be married...even when folks ARE equally yoked there are challenges to overcome and hills to climb. How much harder will it be if you are not even equally yoked? I say this in love, of course, not wanting to cause you pain. A woman in a church I used to attend married a Muslim...she worked in 'loop holes' regarding her reasons for marrying him. She somehow made it 'acceptable' in her mind. She had three daughters with this man. She later came to find out that he had an entirely different family in another state; he was basically living a double life. Of course this can happen when you marry a Christian, but at least you can throw your lot in with obedience to God. If you get hurt in a Christian marriage, you know you are on the right side: following God and holding to His scriptural commands. If you are gonna struggle, it's better to struggle within the will of God than without. God reveals His will to us in His holy Word, the Bible. Go with that. Come hell or high water, it won't let you down, and if you have to suffer, it's better to suffer as a Christian walking on the right side of things in obedience to God. My prayers are with you, dear heart.

Thanks for your post to my blog. I wrote you back!


Lucy said...
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Lucy said...

I'm sorry to hear about your dad.It must have been horrendous to loose him.I'm so glad my dad is still about.

Susanne said...

I'm sorry to read that you lost your dad at such a young age. :-( Any age is too young, in my opinion. It sounds like you and your family bonded together....how are you all doing now that a few months have passed?

S sounds like a very wonderful young man. I pray for God to guide you two to do the right thing. It's great that you are trusting HIM in this relationship. Please keep us posted as you feed like it. :)

misschatterbox said...

thanks susanne! we're all well praise God - there are moments when it hits me and I miss him so much! And I can't belive he is gone.. I hnestly don't know how people cope with grief without God!

S is wonderful. He is kind, caring, patient - he understands me and compliments me like noone I have ever met. Sometimes I wonder why God would bring us together if it's not meant to be.. But I know that sometimes God chooses not to reveal His plans.
I am really praying S can come to accept Christ - he has such potential! At the same time even if we don't end up together - I would still want him to know Jesus. I'm constantly conflicted- scared that I am folling myself, or clinging to an unreality. Scared of committing myself to S without God's blessing.
At the same time because I love him i'm not going to just give on him or walk away - and God has not told me 'it's over.' But then I think, what if I end up waiting for a year, or 2 years, or longer!
I was telling this to my mum the other day and she suggested I 'lay out a fleece.' So I took a leaf out of Gideon's book, and asked God to reveal his will after a year..
In the mean time I am praying always - please pray for him also! Our ex-muslim friends witness to him - and he is open-minded intellectually, but I think right now he is not seeking God. Opening his heart to God is too much of a commitment. Please pray that God will inspire a yearning for the Lord within him. :) thanks sister!

Susanne said...

Yes, I will be honored to pray for your dear S. Even if he's not meant to be your husband, I want the Lord to save his soul. He sounds precious.

I'm glad you and your family are coping well. I totally agree that it would be so difficult without God to rely on.