Sunday, August 8, 2010

Getting Married!

well I am back from a blogging hiatus! I have missed you all.. things have just been so hectic!
Firstly I am now (officially) enagaged to be married to my Habi, S. (I should probably explain "Hobi" means "my love" in Arabic.)
I'm sure this is no surprise to most of you :)
The wedding will be on November 27th - soon! This is for a number of reasons - firstly after all we've been through we just want to be married. In fact we were going to elope for a while but then decided to do it "properly." I am finishing my post-grad studies this semster and God willing will be starting a new job next semester. It may well mean I am posted to a rural area and I won't have leave for some time. That plus crazy hours means I would have little time to plan a wedding and may be hours and hours (or even interstate) from my hometown and wedding place and even then I would only have a spare weekend to get married, have my wedding night and then drive/fly back! No thanks!
So - given that we don't want to wait over a year to get married we decided to get stuck into it and plan a small nice little wedding for the end of the year :)

So far I have the dress, veil, shoes, rings venue and church stuff sorted amongst other things.. but I still have a lot to go!

The next four months are going to be insane.. as well as full-time study and my casual job waitressing, I have to plan a wedding, apply for jobs, fit in FOUR WEEKS full-time work experience and I am on the production team for a local newspaper.
So please keep me in your prayers because it will be A LOT of work... I am praying I can keep on top of it all!
Consequently blogging will be scant - so if I'm not 'around' that's why! :)

Hope you are all well, God bless!


caraboska said...

Praise the Lord! I pray this finds you and Habi in good health and growing in your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. May He bless your efforts to start your married life in the most honorable manner possible and may He give you a vision for the ministry you will be doing together. May He make you able to exhort and edify each other in the Lord, so that you live one life of following Him together. May you above all love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and strength together with one pure love.

LK said...

YAY!!!!!! Congrats.

Susanne said...

congrats! thanks for the update. :)

Anonymous said...

it's not "hobi" it's habibi and it's an arabic term of endearment or affection, like" dear", "darling", "sweetheart" or "honey"but it's also used between friends of the same gender, not only lovers.The female version is habibti.